1. Call us
Having a conversation helps us to work out together if posting your items in for evaluation is a good idea. We will talk you though the procedure e.g. what to do, what to expect and time frames for processing etc
If you are happy with this then we will sent you a kit including forms, instructions and packaging so that you can post your gold to us.

2. Using the postal kit
When you have received gold kit follow the instructions to pack your items. Fill out the paperwork. Then drop it all back at the post office to be sent to us
As your package is delivered we will check that everything is in order and TXT you to let you know of it’s arrival. Standard testing procedures, as detailed on the “How it Works” are in place.
3. Final OK and Pay
Once your pieces have been tested & assessed we will contact you with a quote. You can then decide whether or not you wish to sell them to us. We do not charge a fee for our assessment. You are under no obligation to sell your pieces. If you decide not to sell some or all of your items we will post them back to you.
When you give us the ok to buy you gold we will immediately pay you by bank transfer and email you the receipt. The funds typically arrive in your account the next business day.